SPEQUA: Image quality Comparison between SPCCT and Dual Energy CT

The SPEQUA study is the second in-vivo study after CAPL. It aims at demonstrating the improvement of image quality in SPCCT compared to a standard dual energy scanner (IQon/Hawk) used in radiology at the Louis Pradel Cardiologic Hospital. 

This is a prospective study, i.e. patients are included specifically for this study.

For this purpose, different pathologies are targeted: diabetes, coronary diseases, pneumopathies, adrenal glands lesions, urinary stones, strokes, cerebral arteriovenous malformations, articular lesions.

Each patient included in the study will first undergo a conventional DECT scan and then a SPCCT scan from 1 hour to 8 days after if the scans are non-injected and between 4 hours to 8 days if the scans are injected.

A total of 216 patients are expected in this study.

This work has been the subject of two publications, one of which will be published in the international journal RADIOLOGY.

Published in Investigative Radiology en octobre 2021:

Boccalini, S., S. A. Si-Mohamed, H Lacombe, A Diaw, M Varasteh, PA Rodesch, M Villien, et al. « First in-human results of CT angiography for coronary stent assessment with a Spectral Photon-Counting CT ». Investigative Radiology, 2021.

Accepted for publication in Radiology :

S. A. Si-Mohamed, Boccalini, S., H Lacombe et al. « Coronary CT Angiography with Photon-Counting Computed Tomography: First-in-Human Results ». Radiology, 2021.

Stent Imaging : Conventional CT vs SPCCT

Conventional CT

Boccalini, S., S. A. Si-Mohamed, H Lacombe, A Diaw, M Varasteh, PA Rodesch, M Villien, et al. « First in-human results of CT angiography for coronary stent assessment with a Spectral Photon-Counting CT ». Investigative Radiology, 2021.

Lung Nodule Imaging : Conventional CT vs SPCCT

Salim Si-Mohamed et al. « Feasibility of lung imaging with a large field-of-view spectral photon-counting CT system”. Diagonstic and Interventional Imaging, 2021

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